What to Expect After Under-Eye Fillers: A Comprehensive Guide

In most cases, inflammation and swelling after fillers under the eyes will improve within 4 to 5 days. However, there may be a milder swelling that takes weeks to fully resolve. The appearance of lumps usually continues to improve for 2-3 weeks after the procedure. To reduce the risk of bruising, it is recommended to avoid blood-thinning medications or alcohol in the days before the procedure.

Cold compresses can help relieve swelling and patients should not touch the area under the eyes and sleep in an elevated position for the first night. It is also recommended to limit strenuous physical activity during the first day. Under-eye fillers are a great option if you need to fill lost volume, which means you have noticeable tears and physical gaps under your eyes. To determine if you have experienced volume loss, hold a mirror in front of your face and look up so that the light reaches directly to the area under your eyes.

If the color remains, pigment and filler are unlikely to be beneficial. It is important to note that currently the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any fillers for the under-eye area. That said, rarer and more serious side effects can also occur, such as the Tyndall effect (when the skin turns blue) or death of tissue around the eye. To minimize your risks and ensure you receive the best care and optimal results, be sure to consult a qualified and board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has experience in under-eye filling.

The most common under-eye filler is hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally produced substance in the body that supports collagen production. The pain is minimal and lasts only a few seconds, so the main challenge is to stay calm and remind the brain that nothing really enters the eyeball. The doctor will then inject small amounts of hyaluronic acid filler into the depressed area under each eye. You'll notice natural results about a week after treatment.

Some people experience mild bruising for the first one to two days after the procedure, but bruises can last up to ten days in rare cases. Bruises and swelling are common as noted above, but they should go away within a week. In addition, it is best to avoid strenuous physical activity for 24 to 48 hours after receiving any type of filler. Under-eye filling is non-invasive, has little or no downtime, and many patients continue their regular days after.

Other than avoiding anything that could contribute to bleeding and bruising, no real aftercare is required. If you are comfortable with the procedure, under-eye fillers can be a positive experience that will make you look and feel better. But can the procedure be counterproductive? As in, can fillers worsen the eye area? The answer is, unfortunately, yes. Remember that the area under the eyes is difficult to correct and you should entrust yours only to a doctor with a lot of experience.